Tag: business

  • Alternatives to ordering from Amazon

    Amazon has it’s place as a supplier, but for many things I’d like to avoid their marketplace and buy directly. So, I’m making a public list for myself so I know where else I can look for suitable alternatives. Please comment if you know good sources for other products, it will help me and maybe…

  • Solution sharing: My small business phone system, 4 lines, 6 extensions, and costs less than £10 per month

    plus call costs of about 1p/minute Short version: Get SIP trunks from Dial9.co.uk**, get a small Virtual Machine running at DigitalOcean*, install IncrediblePBX, connect to your own phones. Where we start from: BT Openreach are turning off analog copper phone lines and moving everyone to an all IP (Internet Protocol) system. It’s called SOGeA (Single…

  • Setting up Google Workspace for a small business – part 8

    Telling everyone about our new email address It’s been about 2 weeks and everything is working well. We’ve told a few people about our new email addresses but now I need to get organised and tell everyone, but how? Option 1 – Email everyone in my address book Google keeps 2 address books by default.…