Category: About the site

  • Image Discovery

    I’ve just discovered how easy it is to add images to entries on this blog! The first image is nothing more interesting than the logo of Movable Type (the software I’m using to run this blog). One really neat touch is that once you’ve selected and uploaded a file (you chose from a windows style…

  • Rotating Banners and "SU -"

    The site is slowly taking shape. The two great leap forwards I’ve had today are the rotating baners and my attempt at a logo. Rotating Banners first, I’ve used a simple PHP script I found at a list apart. I created the images in Macromedia Fireworks (because I have a copy, otherwise the same thing…

  • About this site

    Welcome, this site is just somewhere for me to call home on the web. OK, many of you may already know that I have other homes on the web but this one is just for me, unlike Roots Kitchens Bedrooms Bathrooms (my work website) (a site i use for general family stuff, my sisters…