Month: March 2008

  • BBC iPlayer – it might reach your iPhone but not my PDA (…yet)

    I’ve just come across an interesting article on boingboing (a web site with blog like posts related to computer things), it appears the BBC are trialling the iPlayer service to work to iPhones. BoingBoing noticed (or at least someone noticed and boingboing re-reported it) that they identify an iPhone by accepting the browsers name. They…

  • Coining phrases: "Messenger Lag"

    I wonder if there is a term in use called “Messenger Lag” or similar, meaning; the effect of having two or more differing conversations with the same person when typing over instant messaging services. I’ve just been talking to my Mum on Messenger, she’s staying with my sister in Australia at the moment. Whenever we…

  • When learning PHP I spent hours fixing errors simply because I forgot to put a semicolon ‘;’ at the end of a line Creating my first Ruby on Rails application today I’ve just spent hours on one small part just because I forgot the equal ‘=’ sign in the view file where I wanted to…